
New ‘crime scene investigation’ may save endangered carnivorous plants

Researchers have combined macro photography with DNA metabarcoding to create a new botanical "CSI" tool that may hold the key to safeguarding the future of Australia'...
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New, possibly arboreal rice rat species discovered in Ecuador

"In total, the expeditions to the Kutukú region in southeastern Ecuador involved 1,200 trap nights, but only one specimen of the new species Mindomys kutuku was found...
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Lost birds and mammals spell doom for some plants

In one of the first studies of its kind, researchers have gauged how biodiversity loss of birds and mammals will impact plants' chances of adapting to human-induced c...
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Birds learn to avoid plants that host dangerous insects

Young birds that eat insects with conspicuous warning colouration to advertise their toxicity to would-be predators quickly learn to avoid other prey that carry the s...
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Pollinators: First global risk index for species declines and effects on humanity

Disappearing habitats and use of pesticides are driving the loss of pollinator species around the world, posing a threat to "ecosystem services" that provide food and...
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City-living bees benefit most from specific types of urban ‘greening’

Converting vacant urban lots into greenspaces can reduce blight and improve neighbourhoods, and new research shows that certain types of such post-industrial reclamat...
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