Weaning is one of the most stressful times in the commercial pig’s life. During this period, diarrhoea (scour) is a widespread problem, leading to loss of condition a...
Antimicrobial issues are as vulnerable to ‘fake news’ as any other subject, given the number of people and organisations who are looking to sway opinion and influence...
The commercial movement of animals is one of the most regulated areas of transport. Sue Lee at Hexagon Supply Chain describes the encompassing modal specific requirem...
Following the successful development and implementation of compulsory dog microchipping in 2015, Defra turned its attention to the need to update and streamline the c...
On October 21, 2017, Health Canada publicly released its Fee Proposal for Drugs and Medical Devices. The Service Fee Act was introduced as part of an Omnibus Budget 2...
In the European Union, an effective and rigorous examination and registration system exists for placing any veterinary medicine or animal health product on the market...
Antibiotics were the one of the revolutionary discoveries of the 20th century, while their resistance has turned out to be one of the grievous challenges of the 21st ...
Antibiotic reduction in livestock production is both a societal and scientific demand in 2018. Kirwan, S., Smeets, N. and Van Hamme, V. at Kemin are talking about the...
Animal feed is an integral part of the food chain and its safety has been recognised as a shared value and responsibility. The use of production methods and feed addi...
An interview with Peter Jeffries, Chief Executive of the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed), discussing the next stage of the Brucellosis Va...