Vaccines provide well-recognised protection against disease in livestock – but what happens when they don’t provide 100% efficacy? With some diseases – like Mycoplas...
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily named the new virus as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). However, on February 11th it was defi...
The protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum is widespread in the environment and is well documented as a major cause of neonatal enteritis in farm livestock, parti...
Endocrinopathic laminitis is the most common form of this clinical syndrome, accounting for up to 90% of cases. Identification of animals at an increased risk is vit...
Glycan-recognition offers a new approach for rapid influenza diagnostic for horses
Equine influenza (EI), sometimes referred to as equine flu or horse flu, is a...
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, animals have been very present in the media. The reason for this is that animals play an essential role in our world, and w...
The gut microbiome is meant to influence various compartments, organs and functions of the body. In animals, feed and feed additives can influence the landscape of m...
Biotechnology is one area that offers us a wide variety of tools in our search for new pharmaceuticals for the prevention and treatment of diseases in animals. Mark ...
Sustainability and the environmental impact of animal agriculture have been hot topics for several years. The discussion around these concepts was only heating up in...
Have you discovered a new active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that may be beneficial to animals, or are you looking to develop a generic veterinary medicinal prod...