
Domestic cats drive spread of Toxoplasma parasite to wildlife

New UBC research suggests free-roaming cats are likely to blame in the spread of the potentially deadly Toxoplasma gondii parasite to wildlife in densely populated ur...
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Common household noises may be stressing your dog

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found that people may not recognize that their dog is stressed when exposed to common household noises. While...
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These hips don’t lie: 3D imaging of a pelvis suggests social care for saber-tooths

You can't spell 'Smilodon fatalis' without 'fatal', but researchers at La Brea Tar Pits may have found a softer side to saber-toothed cats along with a connection to ...
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Sending up the bat signal on forest use by endangered species

Deep in an Indiana forest, a team of scientists skulked atop hillsides after dark. Carrying radios and antennas, they fanned out, positioning themselves on opposite r...
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The early bird gets…the truffle? Birds hunt for fungi, too

Humans like truffles, as do many mammals. Now new evidence suggests that birds may also seek out and disperse these ecologically important fungi. A study conducted...
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Tiny pterosaurs dominated Cretaceous skies

The newly hatched juveniles of large and gigantic pterosaurs likely outcompeted other smaller adult pterosaur species to dominate the Late Cretaceous period around 10...
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This squirrel watches its neighbor’s back

Just because you're paranoid, that doesn't mean everything isn't actually trying to kill you. Ground squirrels have few natural defenses against predators, so they...
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Behavioral synchronization in complex societies of feral horses

When testing hypotheses on how horses synchronize their herd behavior, computational modeling is a must. So much more is happening among the many mares, stallions, an...
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Volume 8 Issue 3

Mycotoxins and Their Impact on Animal Welfare and Productivity

The welfare of your animals is an important component of production. Proper nutrition, housing and management all contribute significantly to high standards of physic...
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Volume 8 Issue 3

The Importance of Tooling Maintenance in the Production of Animal Solid Dose

The growing demand for animal medicine, and in particular solid dose form, is putting pressure on the manufacturers as they search for ways to produce tablets in the ...
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