Current Edition

Is Feed Microbial Quality Attacking Your Profit?
Editorial Archive

Is Feed Microbial Quality Attacking Your Profit?

In this article, Dr Gino Lorenzoni, Technical Director at Anitox, discusses the various factors which can compromise an animal’s ability to effectively process feed. ...
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Avoiding the Pitfalls of Preanalytical Variables in Animal Health Studies
Clinical Studies V2 I4

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Preanalytical Variables in Animal Health Studies

Clinical pathology data are routinely collected during animal health studies in order to aid in the evaluation of a compound’s toxicity profile. Clinical pathology te...
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Zoonotic Diseases
Editorial Archive

Zoonotic Diseases

In this article, Zoran Katrinka, Councillor for Europe at the World Veterinary Association, takes a comprehensive look at zoonotic diseases; how they occur and how ou...
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Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma; A Hidden Cancer
Editorial Archive

Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma; A Hidden Cancer

Tumours of the apocrine glands of the anal sac represent 2% of all canine skin and subcutaneous tumours, and 17% of all perianal malignancies. Most tumours are malign...
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