Current Edition

CRISPR Progress – What Does It Mean for the Veterinarians?
Editorial Archive

CRISPR Progress – What Does It Mean for the Veterinarians?

If you don’t know what CRISPR is you aren’t alone, but you’d probably better get on board. Chances are it will affect you in one way or another in the near future; pa...
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Update on EFSA FEEDAP Guidance Documents – What are the Potential Benefits?
Editorial Archive

Update on EFSA FEEDAP Guidance Documents – What are the Potential Benefits?

EFSA held a meeting to present and collect feedback from stakeholders on the proposed changes to the FEEDAP technical guidance documents, which are intended to assist...
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One Health Collaboration: The Economic Rationale
Editorial Archive

One Health Collaboration: The Economic Rationale

In terms of market capitalisation, the animal health market is valued at a mere 0.3 per cent of the human healthcare market. Investment and advances in human medical ...
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