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VMD information hub launched in event of no deal Brexit

Vets urged to use resource for detailed advice and guidance on veterinary medicines regulation in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal.February 21, 2019

The VMD has launched an EU Exit Information Hub that sets out what vets and other stakeholders will need to do differently if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

EU Exit Information Hub in a no deal scenario.

Areas where vets will need to do things differently in the event of a no deal are:

  • applying for a Special Import Certificate/Special Treatment Certificate
  • operating the prescribing cascade

Medicines regulation

The document also sets out the areas of veterinary medicines regulation where no change to current practice will occur.

A VMD spokesman said: “Visit the VMD’s EU Exit Information Hub for detailed advice and guidance on the above areas, and all areas of veterinary medicines regulation that will and won’t be changing in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal.”

Safety assurances

The spokesman added: “The VMD will continue to assure the safety, quality and effectiveness of all veterinary medicines authorised in the UK to protect animal health, human health and the environment.”