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The non-profit humanitarian organization proposes an innovative digital networking solution facilitating business in Sri Lanka, for startups, SMEs and investors.

The President of Renaissance Sri Lanka (, Ms. Ashinsa Bopearachchi Cavalié, based in France, has designed and launched a unique online networking platform.

Kumbuk is an innovative digital solution that reflects the goals of the non-profit humanitarian organization and enables its donors, including startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and investors, to facilitate business in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a uniquely beautiful country, famous as a tourist destination. Its literacy rate is close to 100% and almost all of its workforce who have graduated from college, speak English at a professional level. Sri Lanka offers a new haven of investment and economic development. Without the covid-19 pandemic, Sri Lanka would have achieved double-digit economic growth.

Sri Lanka’s workforce is innovative and highly skilled. Its Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector is booming as is the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) sectors in general.

In addition, direct costs (human resources, utilities, office space, etc) are at similar levels to India and the infrastructure is very good. The Sri Lankan labor force has a strong reputation for reliability, friendliness, and dynamism, with little cultural divide with western cultures.

Offshoring Information Technology (IT) services or BPO is difficult for small businesses and startups in an industry dominated by large businesses. Yet, it is crucial for small companies to outsource and gain a competitive advantage quickly. Why should an MVP or an innovative software be developed at a premium? That’s where Kumbuk comes in.

Ashinsa is a Program Director in the IT field. She has extensive experience working with offshore teams. Sri Lankan born, now living in France, she wanted to find a way to help her home country develop.

“We consider knowledge-based industries as the best in terms of salaries and working conditions for Sri Lanka. At Renaissance Sri Lanka, we wish to facilitate their development. That is why I designed Kumbuk.” said Ashinsa.

To use Kumbuk, one must donate monthly to Renaissance Sri Lanka. Then, donors receive regular emails inviting them to online networking meetings. The “Offshore IT Product Development in Sri Lanka” event brings together representatives of startups and small companies with Sri Lankan IT Companies that develop IT products and software for international clients.

During these online meetings, all attendees can network, find a customer, or a partner to outsource their product development. There is no need to buy expensive plane tickets and hotel rooms and attend trade shows to make contacts. All one must do is to make a small monthly donation to Renaissance Sri Lanka. Furthermore, the networking events are held weekly, all year long.

“We organize other types of networking meetings. Some are about IT services offshoring, others are BPO offshoring, or Investment in Sri Lankan Startups. More will come in the coming months.” added Ashinsa.

The upcoming free Renaissance Sri Lanka event will be held on Thursday, July 8, 2021 ().

About Renaissance Sri Lanka

Renaissance Sri Lanka is a French non-profit organization, registered in France, on 31st December 2020, under the “Association loi 1901”. It is a non-governmental, apolitical, non-denominational, non-profit, humanitarian organization that wishes to support the Sri Lankan population and impulse ethical change in Sri Lanka, to improve the overall livelihood and happiness of the population, in harmony with the identity, culture and values of its Society.

Contact: Anita MIAULT; Phone: + 44 7342949859


Useful Resources:

1/ General Presentation of Kumbuk:

2/ How to use Kumbuk for business in Sri Lanka:

3/ IT and BPO Offshore in Sri Lanka: