Alltech Leaderboard Banner: Tue 9 July 2024, 10:01
Henke Sass Wolf: Wed 11 September 2024, 11:53

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Belgium headquartered NUTRIAD, global leader in feed additive solutions for livestock and aquaculture participated with species -and product application experts in the Pig, Poultry and Dairy Focus Asia 2018 (PP&DFA) in Bangkok (Thailand). The PP&DFA, organized by VNU Exhibitions and Positive Action Publications is one of the leading technical conferences for the Asian pig, poultry and dairy sectors.  The conference hosted more than 300 participants from across the region attended technical presentations that zoomed in on feed efficiency and food safety.

BK Chew, Regional Director Asia Pacific for Nutriad said “We are excited about our robust growth in the Asian market in recent years. It confirms that we have managed to transform scientific research data into practical solutions that support producers across all species.  At the PP&DFA we had the opportunity to share our latest scientific trials in the areas of mycotoxin management and gut health, with the aim to provide an alternative to AGP use, offering new insights to the ever-challenging pig, poultry and diary production.”
At the Poultry Focus, Dr. Glenn Ferriol delivered the presentation “Effectively counteracting the effects of Fusarium Mycotoxins.   He stressed the importance of proper mycotoxin management tool as the raw materials in Asia are usually highly contaminated with multiple mycotoxins. Applying the right mycotoxin deactivator product at the right dose is crucial for any successful Mycotoxin Program. The study presented has shown the effectiveness of a multifunctional mycotoxin deactivator in the presence of a very high level of a combination of mycotoxins.
Dr. Hassan Taweel’s, Business Development Manager Ruminants presented” Intake in dairy cows: the influence of palatability and fiber digestion.” Dr. Taweel emphasized that high producing dairy cows in early lactation fail to consume enough feed to fulfil their energy requirements and consequently suffer from nutritional and metabolic disorders. Combining palatability additives with rumen modifying additives could offer a great opportunity to modulate and improve DMI in dairy cows and other ruminants. Palatability additives would provide improvement in the sensory characteristics of the ration, while rumen modifiers would improve and optimize rumen function and fiber digestion, sending positive post-ingestive signals and re-enforcing the positive effect on DMI. Trial data on inclusion of Aroma Fruity or Gusti-Plus in the compound feed fed in the robot showed that the number of milking per cow increased from 2.4 to 2.8 times per day. This 15 % increase led to 0.9 kg increase in milk yield per cow per day and 6 % improvement in feed efficiency. Another study on the effect of adding Nutri-Ferm Prime (Nutriad’s specialty DFM) to different rations based on alfalfa and grass hay or grass and maize silage led to a staggering 7 to 10 % improvement in NDF and OM digestibility and a 6 % improvement in feed efficiency.
At the Pig Focus, Dr. Wei Wang, Technical Manager Nutriad China, presented “Getting the most out of butyrate to reach AGP potential” centered on the possibility of using butyrate as a part of a strategy to reduce or eliminate the use of AGP-s. The data focused on comparing the mode of action of both and to maximize the effect of butyrate in the entire gastrointestinal tract. Using a unique coating technique, butyrate with precision delivery property (ADIMIX Precision) can improve the animal health and performance under different situations. Research has shown that ADIMIX Precision can improve animal performance, especially the growth of young animals, reduce the impact of epidemic diseases, like porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) and help avoid Salmonella contamination.
Nutriad delivers products and services to over 80 countries through a network of own sales offices and distributors. Supported by 4 application laboratories and 5 manufacturing facilities on 3 continents.  Find out more at