Current Edition

Regenerative medicine events coming up!

Places still available for first CPD event at University of Glasgow on 20 October, on use of platelet growth factors, with second on class IV lasers in Reading on 8 November.
VBS Direct will be hosting two CPD events for clinicians using Class IV lasers and platelet growth factors in veterinary practice.
The first event, “Regenerative therapy – the use of platelet growth factors in veterinary practice”, will be held at the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine on 21 October.

Key learning points

  • The use of regenerative therapies for the treatment of tendon, ligament and joint injuries
  • The science behind the use of cell therapy in small animals – stem cells and plasma rich platelet therapy (PRP)
  • When to consider using PRP in your patients
  • The use of PRP in practice, including blood sampling, filtration, removal of platelet factor concentrate and patient administration

The second event on 8 November at the Best Western Calcot Hotel in Reading will focus on the use of Class IV lasers.

Key learning points

  • The science behind laser therapy
  • Clinical benefits of laser therapy for patients
  • Practical implementation of laser therapy in practice
  • Financial returns of laser therapy

For more information and to register for either course, see the news section at